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Grace Place Ministries
Each quarter or church partners with ChristWay Church in Rayville, Liberty Grove Church in West Monroe, and Cypress Street Church in West Monroe. Coming dates you can volunteer.
July 29th & Sept 30th (contact Grace Place or the church for details)

Praying at/for our local schools
On the Sunday for School starts, we will meet at the church during our normal service time and go out to the local schools and pray for the students, faculty, and staff of that school. We will then return to the church for a pot-luck meal to discuss the morning.
Upcoming prayer day - August 11th
Groups are planning prayer at Sterlington Schools, Ouachita High & Jr. High, West Monroe HS, Jack Hayes Elementary, East Ouachita Middle School, and Ouachita Christian School.
If you would like to join us that morning, please contact the church. Also, if you would like another school prayed for this morning, please let us know.
Other Opportunities arise throughout the year as we learn of neighbors in need or communities going through loss.
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